Friday, September 2, 2011

Where are the bushes when you need them???

Glad it's Friday!  My younger two have not been on their best behavior this week.  Little Kenny decided to throw one of his never ending crying fits because he didn't want to do homework.  Being the responsible parent I am, I took away his XBOX and TV which only made the fit worse.  By this time I decided I had no choice but to lock his butt outside in the backyard until he could get it together!  It only took a few minutes for him to knock to come back in.  Guess I'd better not go on Dr. Phil!

To my parenting defense I had a pretty stressful week.  Ken's insurance company decided to drop the ball with his COBRA and cancelled him on Wed. with all his heart tests scheduled for Fri.  Thank goodness I have been working with a sweet social worker through Anthem and she called to tell me he showed cancelled in the computer.  After a few heated calls it appears to be fixed.  It was misplaced paperwork between his past employer and Anthem.  Never mind they cashed my three 500.00 checks!  Good think we don't have a swear jar at our house.  My kids would be rich this week!

Ken's heart tests were scheduled for this morning.  He wasn't allowed to take any medication before and therefore, of course, his nausea set in during the night.  Before leaving he managed to christen both bathrooms.  The way to the doctor was an adventure.  Needless to say there are no bushes in the middle of the road.  At one point Ken is hanging out of the car and the light turns green.  He can't stop and if I drive he is falling out!  I just turned on my hazards and sat there.  Thank goodness all the people driving around us were nice and nobody honked.  Hopefully, people entering the bank on Bardstown Road watched their step this morning also.  We did arrive and spent most of the day enduring tests.  He passed the treadmill which I think is a very good thing.  The tech said his left side is not beating hard enough but we already knew that.  We call on Tuesday for results and God willing another pill will fix the problem.

Its funny how I tend to loose my composure at the weirdest times.  I was sitting in the waiting room and they told me it would be at least 3 hours before I could see him.  I sat there trying to read a book and tears just started streaming down my face.  This was the first time I hadn't been right by his side through anything!  Just when I thought I was going to start the nasty cry they came and got me and said he kept asking so I could come in the waiting room with him between tests.  I don't know what it matters but just sitting next to each other comforts us both.

Looking forward to a long peaceful weekend.  We will see how that works for me!
